Monday, June 13, 2011

Hidden Messages in the June Christchurch Earthquakes

This is amazing. I follow this guy on You Tube, and he has many more videos of other earthquakes, starting with the one on June 2nd, which happened to be the Day of Ascension, at the ASCENSION ISLANDS. What he does is he takes the information from the quakes, time of day, depth, magnitude, and the triangulation locations and matches those numbers with the numbers in the Strong's Concordance.

What he's found is many, many hidden messages.

Obviously, this kind of thing is for your discernment, but since I've been watching most of his videos, it's amazing as to how detailed these "messages" are that he's found.

Personally, I think something BIG is going to happen on or around June 15th. That's the date of the extremely rare "bull's eye" blood red moon over Jerusalem. It will be one of the longest eclipses of the 21st century, lasting 100 minutes. It is also in the middle of two extremely rare solar eclipses, one on the 1st of June that was a midnight eclipse at the North Pole, paired with an awesome planetary conjunction. The second solar eclipse will be on July 1st, seen from the South Pole.

In one month, you have the top of the world darkened from a solar eclipse, the middle of the world darkened from a lunar eclipse (only visible in the Middle East) and the bottom of the world darkened by another solar eclipse.

I, personally, do not believe in coincidence. God is the ultimate Master and Ruler of His universe. And anything having to do with Jerusalem, His holy city, I sit up and take notice.

Did you know there will be another 100 minute blood red "bull's eye" lunar eclipse over Jerusalem in July of 2018? SEVEN years later?

Hmm. Are these eclipses book-ending something?

And if they are, could it be possible, however crazy it sounds, that God the Father is sending us obvious warnings with earthquakes in places like "Christ's Church" and the "Ascension Islands"?
